Blog | UnCommon Farms

Competitive Advantage in Farming

Written by Dave Bryden | August 13, 2024


In a world where access to information and resources is no longer a significant advantage, how can you set yourself apart from the crowd in the competitive world of farming?

Attending agriculture conferences and building relationships with landowners and suppliers are essential steps that every producer takes. Staying updated on the latest technology and industry practices is a given in today's farming landscape. However, with the majority of underperforming farmers already eliminated from the equation, how can you truly stand out?

The key lies in leveraging your network of other producers. While some may only connect with a few local farmers or participate in small peer groups, imagine the power of having a diverse network spanning across North America. By engaging with producers from different regions and agricultural backgrounds, you can gain insights into innovative management practices that have yet to reach your area. Sharing experiences and knowledge with a wide range of farmers not only enriches your own learning but also fosters a collaborative environment where everyone can thrive.

 Additionally, surrounding yourself with a team of professionals who offer expertise in various aspects of farming is crucial. Beyond the standard attorney and accountant, having access to specialists in areas such as Human Resources, Succession Planning, Finance, and Risk Mitigation can provide invaluable support in growing and strengthening your farm business. These experts not only offer advice but work alongside you to implement strategies that propel your farm towards long-term success.

Furthermore, accountability is key to driving progress and achieving your goals. Just as a personal trainer keeps you on track with your fitness regimen, a professional farm coach can serve as your accountability partner in the business realm. By challenging your thinking, asking tough questions, and holding you to your commitments, a coach can help you stay focused and motivated to make continuous improvements in your farm operations.

By embracing these strategies and seeking support from UnCommon Farms, you can unlock a wealth of benefits for your family-owned farm. From accomplishing your goals and strengthening your business to enhancing communication and decision-making, the opportunities for growth and success are endless. Don't wait to differentiate yourself in the farming industry; reach out to UnCommon Farms today and take your farm to new heights.

With the diminishing advantage of having access to the right tools and information in farming, it's time to seek a new competitive edge.

Here are some key areas to consider:

  • Your network of other producers
  • Your team of professionals
  • Coaching for accountability

At UnCommon Farms, we like to think of this as your "network," and it's at the core of what we stand for. Let's briefly explore each of these aspects and how they can provide you with valuable benefits.


Network of Other Producers

There are producers that perhaps talk with a few guys in their area. But just like you need some geographic diversity in the land you farm to mitigate weather risk, you also need geographic diversity in your network in order to hear about other management and farming practices that just haven’t made it to your area yet. You should have producers from across North America and that even grow other crops or raise other livestock than you. Now, that could be powerful.

There are some producers that are in peer groups. That’s better than nothing, but that typically only connects them with 10 to 15 other producers.

Occasionally farms will compare input costs, and maybe equipment costs once in a while, and often that’s about it.

Now, what if you had access to 100 other farms, none of whom were competitors to you. And you could talk with other operations that have already dealt with whatever problem you are facing now. What would that be worth? And in turn, you would share your experiences on issues they are grappling with – together you are better, and stronger. It’s a lot easier to be open when you aren’t worried about losing ground to the guy you’re sharing with.

Further, what if those farms compared financial performance, and talked openly about what each other do regarding various aspects of their farms? Benchmarking on financials as well as items like employee compensation and benefits, leases, control systems, employee management and more would be incredibly impactful – and it is! Are you missing out?


Team of Professionals

Most farms have an attorney and an accountant. Some others will have an agronomist they work with and perhaps a marketing adviser. Okay, that’s a start.

How many farms have access to experts with ag experience in areas such as Human Resources, Succession Planning, Management, Entity Structure, Landowner Relations, Finance, Grants, Taxes, Acreage Growth, Risk Mitigation, Office Technology, and more? And, what if those people weren’t just consultants that only provided advice, but they actually helped you implement the steps necessary to move your farm down the road and make it a better, stronger business for your family – both currently and for future generations? That is available.


Coaching for Accountability

The final step is to have someone that will ask you the tough questions, will challenge your thinking, and hold you accountable to the things you have said you want to get done.

Here’s the thing – we’re all human. And sometimes that means we “let ourselves off the hook” on items that maybe don’t have to be done right then. Putting something off for one day, can become weeks, months, and even years before we realize it. We all think we have lots of time to accomplish the things we want to. But that simply isn’t the case. We need someone to be an accountability partner. We need someone to encourage us. And occasionally we need someone to kick us in the butt. In other words, we all need a coach.

Just like a personal trainer is an accountability partner when working out, a professional farm coach is your accountability partner in your business. Largely, this just isn’t available anywhere – except at UnCommon Farms.

You are likely to need all these. You likely won’t need them all at the same time, but you will likely need them all at some time. You just don’t know when that time is going to come for any one particular topic. No worries. UnCommon Farms has you covered. In return, you will receive benefits that include:

  • Accomplish your goals
  • Strengthen your business
  • Increased time with family
  • Improved decision making
  • Enhanced communication

So how do you gain such benefits and advantages? You contact UnCommon Farms. We’re here to help family-owned farms, like yours. Learn more at or by contacting us at 618-372-7499 or at