Ag Training for Family Farms

Ag Training for Family Farms

Develop your skillset with UnCommon Farms Training

UnCommon Farms has over 70 training courses for members and clients at every level. From introductory courses to advanced levels, there is a course for everyone on almost any topic.


Regional Networking

Take advantage of regional specialized training to help your farm stay on the cutting edge.


Over 70 Courses

UnCommon Farms has over 70 training courses for members and clients of every level.


Learn with your Peers

Learn from the success of fellow producers in topic-focused peer groups.


Annual Conferences

Learn from an array of agriculture experts and stay at the forefront of industry changes.


Business Solutions for Legacy Farms


Business Management & Leadership

UnCommon Farms resources guide you through a thorough assessment of your current operation, identifying opportunities for improved management and efficiency. Training courses help you gain the skills you need for maximum effectiveness.


Succession & Structure Planning

Our structure experts can help you ensure your farm’s entity structure is providing maximum benefit and protection to you as owners. We’ll also help you plan a smooth transition for your farming operation from one generation to the next to protect your farm’s legacy.



We will guide you to analyze your current financials and compare them to your operation’s historical performance, then guide you to use that knowledge for improved managerial decisions to help you improve profitability, reduce costs, and secure your operating loan.

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Human Resources

UnCommon Farms resources will help you clearly define the roles and responsibilities of your workforce, bolster your employee recruiting strategy, maximize worker performance, retain good workers, and develop policies and procedures to ensure compliance with HR regulations.


Networking / Peer Groups

Experience networking like never before with our UnCommon approach. Our members come together to share their best practices, challenges, and successes through our trainings, workshops, peer groups, and exclusive conferences.

Your Questions Answered With
Our Free Resources

Your questions answered with our free resources

Conflict Resolution Strategies in Succession Planning

How to Ensure a Smooth Transition for Your Family Farm Succession planning is one of the most significant and

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Farm Accounting & Financial Management Simplified

Running a successful farm requires juggling countless tasks, from managing day-to-day operations to making

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Understanding Farm Financials

Running a successful farm requires more than just hard work in the field—it also takes a solid understanding

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6 Essential Financial Measures for Farm Managers to Monitor

“What's considered enough money? Just a little bit more.” — Will Rogers“If you owe the bank $100, that's your

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Farm taxes and children: Here's what you need to know for every age

Of all the things raised on a farm, the most rewarding and the most challenging are always our children. At

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Understanding Capital Gains and Asset Basis for Farm Taxes

When buying or selling farmland, understanding how capital gains and the calculation of an asset's basis can

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What Our Clients Say

Navigating the complexities of passing down the family farm, ensuring its financial stability for future generations, and building a thriving agricultural business requires expert guidance. At UnCommon Farms, we specialize in addressing these challenges by teaming up with farms to handle succession planning intricacies, make informed financial decisions, and provide hands-on coaching for goal achievement.

Get a glimpse of how UnCommon Farms has made a difference for others in similar situations.

"UnCommon Farms has changed my thinking a lot about my business. There are many opportunities that since joining the group that I would have never even thought of or never would've pursued had I not been introduced to not only the concepts that are taught here but the people that are here. An underlying theme it seems like in many of trainings is just shifting our mentality to say it's important for us to start working on our business rather than just in our business. UnCommon Farms is going to be great for every operation whether it's a struggling entity or maybe an entity that's just hitting home runs every time. I think that there is the spirit of continuous improvement here."

— Kyle Mehmen

NeuWay-27 Anthony Neu

Start your learning journey

UnCommon Farms offers in-person and virtual training and webinars. Contact us so we can keep you informed about upcoming training and learning opportunities.