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Schnitker Farms Testimony

How UnCommon Farms Transformed Employee Retention and the Family Farm's Future

When Schnitker Farm’s had an employee approach them about another possible job offer, the first call they made was to the UnCommon Farms’ HR resources. Together with guidance from the UnCommon Farms, the Schnitkers were able to draft a competitive compensation plan for their employees that not only retained the employee but also opened a line of communication, so they were able to better tailor that team member's role to best suit not only what they enjoyed but also highlighted their strengths as part of the Schnitker Farms team as a key employee.

Through conversations with UnCommon Farms, Beth and Herb Schnitker have been slowly preparing for the day when their daughters and spouses are ready to return to the farm. Over the last two years, conversations about retirement, ownership transitions, and even timelines have begun to circulate within the family. With the help of UnCommon Farms, the Schnitkers feel as though they are ready to start formally beginning to put all the pieces into place for the 4th generation to one day be at the wheel of the farm. “We have been thinking and preparing for this time for so long. When we're in that meeting talking about everyone’s thoughts on the future, my heart was just full,” said Beth Schnitker, owner, wife, and mom at Schnitker Farms.




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